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Purpose:  To assist new members of Christian Faith Fellowship in becoming Victorious Disciples.


Goal:  To provide a road map for victorious Christian living as a disciple of Jesus Christ.


The Discipleship Ministry teaches discipleship classes once each quarter. It is a five week course to give new members of Christian Faith Fellowship a solid foundation. The classes are held directly after church service and last approximately 45 minutes.


Adult Bible Study

Purpose:  “ To study the Bible as a means of developing spiritual maturity and equipping the people of God to correctly share God’s Word with others.” (2 Timothy 2:15)


Goal: “To produce Bible believing Christians who can rightly handle the sword of the Spirit” 


We look for you to come out and join us for a weekly study of God's word at noon and 7pm each Wednesday. This is not a mid-week worship service, but an honest time of studying God's word and seeing how it applies to our lives today. Arrive armed with your questions and be ready to be challenged. The noon Bible study continues to go well, facilitated by Min. Anthony Bookman & Sis Bernice Holley. Our evening Bible study is being facilitated by Rev. Berry, Min Howard, Bro Carter and Bro Morris.




Building Maintenance

Purpose:  To ensure all church property and equipment remains in a functional state of readiness at all times.


Goal:  To have a church facility whose property and equipment are in a constant state of readiness, prepared to be used for effective ministry.




Bulletin Board

Purpose:  To present current, cultural, and relevant information to the congregation. 


Goal:  To ensure that each congregant that enters the facility is well informed of events and feel accepted and appreciated. 




Children's Church

Purpose:  Provide a safe, happy, loving and nurturing environment to assist parents in laying a spiritual foundation for children 4-8 years old.


Goal:  Produce well adjusted, spiritually grounded children prepared to participate in and benefit from contemporary worship services


“Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.” Colossians 3:20 NIV

“People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them.When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.” Mark 10: 13-16 NIV


“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 NIV




Couples Ministry

Purpose: To worship and honor God with our marriages/relationships through the work of ministry and the power of the Holy Spirit. To reach other couples by demonstration of our commitment to Christ, each other, and to BE F.A.I.T.H.F.U.L.

Fellowshipping with other Married Members
Achieving Oneness In Christ
Involving Ourselves In Ministry
Telling Others About God
Honoring God With Our Marriage
Focusing On Our Marriage
Unconditional Love
Letting the Lord Use Our Marriage


Goal: We endeavor to worship God with our Marriage through the work of ministry and reach other couples by demonstration of our love for Christ through our actions.


Purpose:  To involve ourselves in ministry by reaching people with the Good News of God’s gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.


Goal:  To produce members who will be able to “tell others about God” in the natural context of their daily life.



Family Care Ministry

Purpose:  To minister to the spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional and environmental needs of the congregants and their family members through word and deed.  Further, to fulfill the command of Christ to feed the hungry and clothe the naked to include:

  • providing basic needs for the sick, mourning, and otherwise homebound members and their families 

  • providing food, transportation, companionship and in-home assistance as needed

  • providing encouragement through calls, visits, gifts, food, etc. 

Goal: To ensure every member is provided with the loving care of an extended family during all periods of need.


“This is the written account of Adam’s family line. When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God.” Genesis 5:1, NIV



Finance Ministry

Purpose:  To ensure all ministry expenditures are focused towards reaching each ministry’s defined goals and objectives and that such goals and objectives are consistent with the church’s purpose.


Goal:  To empower ministries with the financial resources required to accomplish their purpose driven objectives


A Finance Committee (FC) meeting is held each month on the Friday after the 2nd Sunday. Church financial business is discussed and decisions/recommendations are made.


The FC will conduct an unannounced inspection of the petty cash each quarter.


An internal audit of the financial system is conducted each quarter 


Purchase order (PO) requests are to be submitted to the Finance Committee (Sis DeBramaletta or Bro. Smith) by the 2nd Sunday of each month using the PO request form provided.




Girl Scouts

Purpose: To build courage, confidence and character in young women.


Goal: To produce young women who are effectively serving God, self, others and the community.



  • Enlist and train 6-10 adult leaders and advisors to work with the troop

  • Recruit 10-15 young women, kindergarten to high school age, in the church and surrounding community to join troop #1179

  • Meet bi-monthly at the church with all who join the troop

  • Provide required materials for meetings

  • Provide badges/awards for recognized accomplishments

  • Provide snacks for meetings

  • Support Girl Scout activities (i.e., cookie sales…)

  • Coordinate with Men of CFF and WOP3 for support in training certain skills and/or conducting activities



Health & Wellness Ministry

Purpose: To remind members that there are good, healthy habits they can develop without doing harm to their bodies.


Goal: To produce members who live longer and healthier lives


Life is a beautiful gift, and we plan to share all that we can to help us all to live healthier.   



Hospitality Ministry

Purpose: To coordinate all hospitality events requiring use of the kitchen and/or fellowship facilities.


Goal:  Ensure a loving, hospitable, receptive, organized, comfortable environment for all worshipers, visitors and guests.


"...for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me... Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these..., you did it to me. " Matt 25: 35-36, 40


We minister to the welfare of the church as a whole, supporting the planning and implemention of social events pertaining to the church at large.



Media Ministry

Purpose: Provide audio, video, photographic and website support for events and activities conducted at Christian Faith Fellowship.


Goal:Our media ministry is designed to enhance the various ministries within Christian Faith Fellowship. The multimedia ministry consists of four main areas: video, sound, photography and website.

The audio/video ministry aids the congregation by providing live audio/video to locations within the church, visual representations for special events and produces, duplicates and distributes sermon messages and special events via order requests. 

  • The sound ministry aids the congregation by ensuring balanced and quality audio for worship services and special events.

  • The photography ministry aids the congregation by photographing all the activities of our church for historical purposes.

  • The website ministry is our primary method of communicating to the local community. This cutting-edge website provides numerous tools and aids to help meet the needs of the congregation and inform the community about Christian Faith Fellowship.



Men's Ministry

Purpose: We are a group of men committed to to lead the way in making a positive difference in men's lives through Christ-Centered relationships, discipleship and service beginning at home and expanding to our neighborhoods, community and the world.


1. Live – purpose driven lives, trusting God in all life situations (Matthew 4:1-11) 


2. Edify – men through Bible focused training that enables them to apply the Word of God to daily living (1 Timothy 1:4, 2 Timothy 2:15)


3. Advance – the Kingdom of God through active involvement in Christian ministry in the church and the community, using all the spiritual gifts God provides (1 Corinthians 12:4)


4. Disciple – men to be followers of Christ, continually engaged in service, prayer, study of the Word of God, and being catalysts for positive change  in the lives of the CFF family, our community and the world (John 8:31-32, Matthew 5:16)


Goal: To produce men who L.E.A.D in their homes, church, and communities as God has called us to do according to scripture.



Music Ministry

Purpose: To honor God through various forms and styles of Bible-based music.


Goal:  To enhance the worship experience by leading the congregation in offering praise to God in music and song. 


Rehearsal Schedule

Church Choir-Thursdays before 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sunday at 7:15 p.m.

Youth Choir-2nd, 3rd Sundays 11:00 a.m. and Thursdays before 4th Sunday at 7:15 p.m.

Men's Choir-Every Three Months on the Thursday before 4th Sundays and 5th Sundays



New Members Ministry

Purpose:  To involve ourselves in ministry by integrating new members into the CFF family, laying a foundation for discipleship and maturity.


Goal: To produce spiritually grounded, active members.


Objectives:  The purpose and goal of the New Members Ministry will be carried out through the annual monthly orientations. The orientation provides new member candidates with an overview of the mission and beliefs of their new church family. A solid foundation for spiritual growth, maturity and active participation in the ministries of this local body is laid during the orientation. The use of the computer program, Church Growth assessment, enables the new member to understand their level of involvement in ministry, become aware of their spiritual gifts and their basic motivations. During the orientation the new members have an open exchange with the instructors and other new members and they are encourage to transition into the Discipleship training class and to personally become involved in ministry as soon as possible. Each new member is encouraged to write a personal mission statement.   



Prayer Ministry

Prayer is our way of building a relationship with God through communication. Prayer allows us to confess ours sins, present our requests, and thank God for what He has already done.  


In the same manner we build relationships and communicate with each other, prayer makes our experience with God real, up close and personal. As stated by C.S. Lewis, "God designed the human machine to run on Himself. He Himself is the fuel our spirits were designed to burn, or the food our spirits were designed to feed on. There is no other." 


Prayer not only strengthens our relationship with God, but strengthens the bonds between fellow Christians. Prayer also opens the hearts of unbelievers to  accept Christ as Lord and Savior as they witness the positive change of impossible circumstances and the lives of others being transformed for the better. 


Prayer opens the lines of communication with God, keeps us humble, gives us Power over the issues of life, and is always available!  

 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.    –Philippians 4:6 NLT



Special Events Ministry

Purpose:  To coordinate and plan events/activities that impact the entire Christian Faith Fellowship family or target focus groups not formally organized as a ministry (i.e. singles, couples, clergy, etc.)


Goal:  To provide unique learning and fellowship opportunities that enable the members to bond together as a growing, maturing, worshiping community of faith. 



Transportation Ministry

Purpose: To provide reliable transportation to and from Christian Faith Fellowship worship and ministry events. 


Goal: To ensure that all members and friends of Christian Faith Fellowship who do not have a means of transportation can be reliably transported to and from CFF sponsored/supported events.


"I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord." Psalms 122:1


And what a better way to get there; by using the CFF Passenger Vehicle! Don't let not having transportation be the reason you can't praise God in our house of worship. Our Transportation Ministry is set up where we can pick you up from your home and bring you directly to 2625 Alpine Rd and back home.


We have an excellent pool of certified drivers along with a 14 passenger vehicle ready to add to your gospel experience.



Tutorial Ministry

Purpose:  To involve the members of Christian Faith Fellowship in ministry as participants in the education and mentorship of our member and community children.


Goal:  To produce academically successful, personally motivated, high achieving children who pursue challenges and have fun learning.


"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." 

Proverbs 22:6


"It takes a village to raise a child"


To reach our primary goal of achieving positive outcomes for all children, we must improve the outcomes for those children who are failing or in danger of failure.  It is important that children are acknowledged at every opportunity and become confident in their academic ability.  Motivation through PRAISE and SUCCESS is the final step in inspiring children to learn.


We live in a difficult, fast-paced, temptation-filled world; more than ever, our young people need the direction and the leadership provided by teachers who know and love GOD.  God takes teaching duties very seriously, and so should we.



Usher Ministry

Purpose:  To serve as doorkeepers in the House of God.

Goal:  To ensure all things are done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40 to enhance the worship experience of all who enter the grounds of Christian Faith Fellowship.


..I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness. (Psalms 84:10)



Women's Ministry

Purpose: Women of Prayer, Power, and Purpose (WOPPP) serves to build up a body of women to become more Godly while empowering themselves and other women spiritually as the word of God is explored.


Goal: To produce mature, Godly women of faith who walk in the light of God ‘s presence everyday of their lives.




Youth Ministry

Purpose: To establish the Word of God as the foundation for the youth of Christian Faith Fellowship while enabling them to understand and recognize who Jesus is and what it is to live for him.


Goal: To develop spiritually grounded youth who will allow their light to shine for Christ in a positive manner at all times.




We believe that we are the hands and feet of Christ. What does that mean in practical terms? If we look at the life of Jesus, we see that his hands held little children. His hands healed the sick. His hands fed the hungry. His hands were always reaching out. We believe that our hands should be reaching out to others, too. If you look at our ministries, we think you’ll find one that speaks to you – one where your heart and talent can really make a difference.


Jesus’ feet always walked to where the people were. We believe that we too, should meet people where they are, to engage them, to tell them about the good thing we’ve found and invite them to share it. You have a unique story, a life experience that will speak to someone out there. Come share your own unique story!


“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:9-11 , NIV


WEDNESDAY: Bible Study - 7:00pm

SATURDAY: Prayer - 11:00am (Zoom)

1st SATURDAY: Men's Meeting - 9:00am

2nd SATURDAY: Women's Meeting - 10:00am

SUNDAY: Worship Service - 9:00am


Christian Faith Fellowship

(803) 736-4499

2625 Alpine Rd.

Columbia, South Carolina 29223


Pastor Kenneth B. Ratliff

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© 2020 by Christian Faith Fellowship

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